Although it is almost half way through the month, this is the first video I’m recording in 2025, so happy new calendar year!
As I’ve mentioned before, I love living seasonally and follow the wheel of the year, so this time of the year doesn’t really feel like a new year to me as we are still very much in winter. If you feel like you’ve struggled to ‘get going’ and you are lacking in motivation, drive and maybe even inspiration- you aren’t alone. Look around you, the trees and plants know that it is still winter (in the northern hemisphere). This may not be the time for leaping forwards and making bold changes. This is still the time for hunkering down and reflecting. As it is a new calendar year, it can be a good time to reflect on the calendar year that has passed and perhaps set some gentle intentions for the new one. As I shared back in December, I like to intentionally reflect on my life and business (because they are so interwoven) at 8 main times of the year. These are at the four points when we shift seasons and the and the mid points of the seasons. During the Summer and Winter Solstice and the Spring and Autumn Equinoxes, I take a day to reflect more deeply. You can get access to the questions that I use here and a watch a video of me talking them through here. The questions can be done at any time, so if the start of a new year feels like a good time for you to reflect then these might be useful to you now. Alternatively, you can use them any time when you feel the need to reflect on where you are. One of the things that came up for me during my Winter Solstice review day, was the realisation of how much time I spend on these videos and blogs and perhaps this isn’t in alignment for me right now. So, I’ve decided to trial creating shorter videos to see how that goes. Perhaps it will free up some time for me and maybe people who watch will find shorter content easier to watch, let me know your thoughts. I know I like to witter on, so perhaps shorter videos will be better. As a culture we are encouraged to be striving and improving on who we are. Societal messages tell us that we need to do better and be different. This is because we live in a capitalistic society, and so if we are always feeling like we are lacking something, then we are more likely to be buying something! A quote that I’ve been thinking a lot about recently is this one: “It is easier to try to be better than you are than to be who you are.” Written by Marion Woodman in Addiction to Perfection: The Still Unravished Bride: A Psychological Study What if this year, we didn’t try to be better, but we just spent some time getting to know who we are and got more comfortable with that? 2024 was a big year for this for me as I got my official diagnosis for Autism and ADHD. Although I had suspected for some time that I am neurodivergent, having confirmation of this has meant that I’ve been viewing everything through a new lens. Sometimes we learn something about ourselves and it changes our view on everything that happened before. This quote has really resonated with me on a deep level as I acknowledge that for most of my life, I’ve been trying to be better than I am rather than who I am. I wonder if you do this too? That brings me to another quote that I really love from Marianne Williamson’s book ‘Return to Love’ “... as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” So this year, I’ll be ‘being more of me’ and sharing that with you. Here’s your invitation to spend a few moments considering what ‘being more you’ would look like in life and in business. What would you do more of? What would you do less of? I hope that you will be more of you, because the world definitely needs that! If you feel like you need some help in discovering your special qualities in your business, perhaps working with me as a mentor may help. I love helping other kids yoga teachers feel more confident to be themselves in their business. If you are watching this in January 2025, you can currently buy a 6 month mentorship programme and get an extra month free, taking you up to the end of this academic year. If you’d like some support in your business then this might be for you. Book a mentorship with me now and get instant access to all of my resources and training courses. Book a free no obligation call to see if this is right for you. I'm really interested in learning how this blog landed, comment here or email me and let me know [email protected]
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From Julia
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January 2025