It can be easy to rush through the 'jobs' and the things that we 'have' to do and almost race our way to bedtime. I have been guilty of this on many occasions, thinking about how long I have until I can rest!
It is completely understandable, being a parent can be exhausting! Sometimes though, we look at photos and think "where did that time go, it feels like only yesterday that they were a baby" I think that many of us have the view that somethings we just have to 'get done' before we can enjoy the 'quality time'. But what if it is ALL quality time? What if ALL of the moments that we have with our children are times when we can connect with them? I call these Mini Connections. Ways of connecting with our children in the normal day- to - day messiness of family life. Perhaps you can think of a time in the day that you dread? Maybe it is a time of friction and tension- for example getting ready to leave the house. What would life be like if that time was enjoyable? Sounds crazy doesn't it? I believe that it all lies in our INTENTION. I really believe that ANYTHING (I am using capitals a lot in this post!) can be a moment to connect if we make the intention to do so. Here are some examples: * When helping a young child put on their shoes, sing a song and make eye contact with them while you are doing it. * When making a meal, consider inviting your child to help, take it as an opportunity to just be together with them. * Walking to school? Take time to notice things and allow them to notice things too. Sometimes it's fun to break the rules- last night, we went for a walk around the block with the kids in their pjs and wellies at bedtime. They thought it was amazing! I believe that we have so many moments in the day that can be mundane or magical. Wouldn't life be so much more fun with less mundane and more magic? Why not join my group and watch this video where I discuss this on replay?
From Julia
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January 2025