If you are feeling like you are too busy and finding it hard to stay calm, then this is for you!
We sometimes think that unless we have time to go to yoga for 90 minutes or have an hour to read a book then we can't control our well-being. Psychologists call this 'all or nothing thinking' and it can lead to us doing nothing because we can't go 'all in'. However, it IS possible to stay on top of your well-being even when you are BUSY! All it takes is intention. Here are three super simple techniques that take less than five minutes that can help you to engage your parasympathetic nervous system- in other words- help you calm down. 1) Wash your hands and / or face. You could choose cold water to wake you up and help you gain clarity, or perhaps warm water with some lovely smelling hand wash to help you relax. The goal is to be mindful while you are doing it, noticing the feelings and sensations, noticing the smell, the texture of your skin, the way that the light reflects off the water. 2) Set a timer for a minute and spend that time noticing your breath, its texture, is it smooth or jagged? Where the breath is in your body, how your nostrils feel on the inhale compared to the exhale. If you have longer, you could set a timer for one minute and just count your breath, then set it again and try and reduce the number- 5 or 6 breaths a minute is a great number to aim to. 3) Lie on your back with your legs in the air, perhaps leaning against a wall or sofa. Just allow yourself to settle and be. This is not recommended if you are mentruating- in this case, just rest your legs on a cushion instead. What do you think? Could you try any of these? Which one appeals to you the most? Let me know if you give any of them a try :)
From Julia
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January 2025