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Last week I talked about ways to fall in love with your planning process (so if you missed that check it out). I shared how I batch my planning and do it all in one go. Today I’m going to go into more detail into my process of medium term planning- how I actually do my own plans in a really simple way! So I’m just going to break down my system of how it works best for me. I am not saying this is the best or only way to do this, just that it is the way I have found to work for me. I think it can be really helpful to learn each- others’ ways of doing things to magpie ideas that resonate or make sense for us. You may have a completely different way that works for you and of course that is fine! As I always say to those who are working with me, we are all different and need to find our own ways of working that suit our styles. Reflection Firstly, I sit with the previous term / half term plan and for each year group/ phase / class I think about:
Next steps Then, I spend some time considering:
If you aren’t sure what the next steps for the children you teach is, you might find a ‘Playful Planning’ session useful- this is where we work together and I help you to map out what comes next for the learners in your kids yoga classes. Email me to find out more. The actual plans Next, I start with one year group plan, one I am confident and comfortable with. I plan out how the next few weeks might look for them:
When I have planned out the lessons for one year group / phase/ class, I use this as a basis to plan my others classes. I like to do mine on the computer, because I literally copy the plan from one year group and edit it to suit the next year group. Personally, I start with nursery, then build up from there, making things more complex with each year group, but keeping certain things the same (such as the props). If you would like a copy of the planning grids that I use, you can get them here. This is how I have learnt to simplify my planning process, starting with what I know and building up my plans based on ones I’ve already created. It saves me a lot of time and I hope that you find it helpful in saving you time too. Let me know what you think! Is there anything that you would like me to talk about? Get in touch to let me know. x Julia
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From Julia
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January 2025